Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Evidence based psychological treatment

With such similar names, are CBT and DBT that different from each other, and can using one have benefits over using the other? Read on to learn about the differences between CBT vs DBT and Clarity’s unique treatment programme.
Long lasting
Our programme is designed to promote long term recovery.
Resort style setting
Our incredible facility is located in the beautiful Northern Thailand.
Standard CBT is an effective first line treatment for many disorders – but it isn’t effective in treating all mental illnesses. Clarity understands that when treating addiction CBT only goes so far and addresses only one component of the disorder. The main type of therapy that we use at Clarity is called Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). DBT is a more specific form of CBT that focuses on helping people who tend to have extreme emotional reactions. Our psychologist designed programme teaches clients how interact with the environment around them in a less emotional, healthier way. At Clarity our psychologists are experts in assessment and the delivery or disorder specific treatments. We know that whilst CBT has many benefits for clients accessing treatment for addiction its usefulness is compromised by the fact that it works on the part of the brain that deals primarily with rational thought and decision making. This is a higher level of brain functioning and treatment at this level does not address the underlying neurological issues of addiction that drive many destructive behaviours.
Clarity knows that successful treatment for addiction requires something more sophisticated than CBT alone. Because addiction is a brain disease that affects the reward centers of the brain, treatment is required that addresses impulses and feelings too. DBT is ideally suited to this level of brain functioning as it delivers specific skills training and teaches clients to regulate their distress tolerance and emotional dysregulation. With Clarity’s unique 3-Stage addiction treatment programme CBT becomes optimized in this sense and both processes of emotional regulation and thinking are addressed at the same time.
CBT is a general term
Developing heathy coping skills
While DBT is a type of CBT, it is tailored towards helping people acknowledge the pain and discomfort they feel, yet still feel safe and “ok” in the moment and empowered to choose healthy behaviours instead of impulsive or harmful actions. At Clarity we have interwoven CBT into our unique programme. However, while some emphasis is put on dealing with thoughts, patients at Clarity are taught to identify triggers outside of themselves and match those triggers with a healthy coping mechanism or response in order to overcome their addictions.
24hr onsite medical care
Unique recovery approach
Private & confidential care
Personal support
CBT vs DBT for treating certain illnesses
Philosophies used in CBT vs DBT
The difference in treatment methods
CBT focuses on how your thoughts, feelings and behaviour influence each other. While DBT does work on these things, emphasis is given more towards regulating emotions, being mindful, and learning to accept pain. CBT seeks to give patients the ability to recognize when their thoughts might become troublesome, and gives them techniques to redirect those thoughts. DBT helps patients find ways to accept themselves, feel safe, and manage their emotions to help regulate potentially destructive or harmful behaviours. At Clarity clients engage in both DBT and CBT groups on a daily basis. All clients receive 4 individual therapy sessions per week to assist in skills training and achieving their treatment goals.
Clients who engage in DBT therapy at Clarity participate in DBT skills training sessions that are typically taught in a group setting in four modules. All our clients will meet daily with their DBT group and individual therapist. Once patients are able to use DBT skills to regulate their emotions, practice mindfulness, and improve relationships with others, they are able to transition to more standard CBT groups. These daily groups seek to address negative thought patterns or recurring harmful behaviours and are designed to tackle specific processes central to addiction. In the third stage of Clarity’s unique treatment programme we deliver and enhanced version of CBT (CBT-E) that seeks to offer resolution to deeper underlying psychological factors that can often fuel an addiction in the longer term.
DBT programmes at Clarity - How to tell if CBT or DBT is right for you
Depression and anxiety sufferers have found a lot of success with CBT, while people with addictions, borderline personality disorder and chronic thoughts of suicide find DBT more helpful. Keep in mind that many people affected by addictions have more than one diagnosis, and sometime people use elements from both DBT and CBT to manage their symptoms. Let us build a programme around your needs and deliver the best care for you in our luxurious surroundings at a price you can afford.
Have You Tried Therapy Already?
Many individuals who have gone to therapy say they don’t want to go back because they feel like it wasn’t effective. Because the patient-therapist relationship is so important, we place extra emphasis on making you feel safe and cared for. It’s important when committing to treatment that you are realistic and don’t just give it a few weeks before you call it quits. Treatment is a collaborative experience and it is important to be aware that your therapist is not going to do the work for you. You will need to commit to doing the hard work of making changes in your life to support healthier thinking, healthier behaviours, and healthier living. Recovery doesn’t happen overnight, but by using a therapeutic treatment like Claritys 3-Stage DBT programme that is carefully matched to your symptoms, you can gradually make a series of small changes that add up to less pain and a better life.
With so many treatment options out there, it can be confusing to know what techniques will best help you. Just remember that CBT and DBT are two of the more common therapy practices, and have been shown to help individuals suffering from a number of mental illnesses. Clarity offers both CBT and DBT as core interventions in our residential treatment programme. Contact our admissions team to learn more about how our unique treatment programmes may help you or a loved one.
Why choose Clarity
Clarity offers an incredible healing experience for our clients and their families that is second to none. Our team is comprised of individuals with years of experience who are all here for one reason. To help you realise, achieve, and maintain permanent long term recovery.
- Leading evidence based clinical programmes
- Resort style setting, providing ultimate comfort
- Bespoke family support for all affected