Alcohol Rehab Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Break free from the chains with Clarity

Life long recovery through our individually designed alcohol treatment programmes.

Targeting your alcohol problems

Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation and Care in Chiang Mai, Thailand helping you to break free from your alcohol problems

If alcohol is a problem in your life, you are certainly not alone. Many people have earnestly attempted to stop drinking only to return in the end. A great number of those have had several unsuccessful attempts to stay abstinent, yet something doesn’t work in the methods they have tried. We believe that until the underlying root causes of alcohol addiction are addressed, abstinence will be so uncomfortable that relapse will likely result.

Underlying Issues of Alcoholism

At Clarity Alcohol Rehab, we view addiction of all sorts as a symptom of another underlying issue. In alcohol abuse, for example, there are several conditions that commonly co-occur with excessive drinking. These include depression, anxiety, unstable moods and trauma. The interactions of problematic drinking and such issues create yet more problems in one’s life. For instance, alcohol is a depressant and worsens any already existing depression. It increases anxiety over time, deregulates moods and leaves one vulnerable to trauma.

No matter which came first in your life—heavy alcohol use or other mental health problems—the effective solution is to treat an alcohol problem at a deeper level. We now know a great deal about the relationship between alcohol and other aspects of one’s health and functioning. Some of these include:
In the short term, alcohol depresses or slows brain processes. This results in an immediate decrease in agitation or stress. For example, people might drink to relax after a difficult day. The mental agitation of racing thoughts or worry is slowed with intoxication; similarly, physical agitation is eased, as is emotional upset. Over time, prolonged and heavy use of alcohol depresses regular brain functioning on a more persisting basis.
While excessive drinking results in physical dependency, psychological dependence also develops. This is related to the relaxation factor of intoxication. Over time one comes to rely upon alcohol as an overall life coping strategy and can create a significant disadvantage in coping skills.
There is a significant correlation between trauma and excessive alcohol use. In fact, unresolved trauma can create such discomfort during abstinence that relapse is an all too often occurrence. Identifying, addressing and resolving underlying trauma gets to the root cause of many people’s need for alcohol. When trauma is resolved, there is no longer a need for numbing its symptoms by drinking.
Failure to resolve the problems underlying alcohol addiction has led many to try and try again to recover, only to remain entangled in the problem. A more holistic, integrated approach is needed in which all parts of one’s life related to the alcohol problem are restored to balance.

Our Solution:
Full, Sustainable Alcoholism Recovery

Clarity’s 3–Stage Integrative DBT Program offers you an holistic alcohol recovery program addressing the reasons you have not been able to live alcohol-free. We work with you to heal the underlying causes of addiction and to remedy the alcohol-induced effects that lead to relapse. In doing so, we offer you a full and sustainable recovery.

Our Rehab Center Provides:

Our staff to client ratio is only 4:1—virtually unheard of in addiction recovery. This gives you highly individualized care with far more clinical contact hours than the majority of alcohol rehabs provide. Additionally, individual sessions account for about 90% of your sessions and you will see two therapists per day.

We work with no more than 20 clients at a time. This allows us to give you intensive and individualised attention in a highly private luxury setting. It also evokes feelings of trust and connection to the staff and other clients, giving you the support and psychological safety you need to be successful.

We have assembled a team of highly skilled practitioners who are well respected in their fields. They have expertise in many disciplines including nutrition, bodywork, Trauma Release Exercise, Mindfulness Based Stress Relief, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Thai Buddhist Meditation, Functional Medicine, psychology and psychiatry. They work together to understand you and your needs holistically. They establish an ever-evolving treatment plan that is modified each and every day as you progress and your needs change.
We help you identify and address the underlying root causes of your alcohol addiction. These may be unresolved trauma, depression, anxiety, anger, codependency or feelings of emptiness, betrayal or abandonment, for example.

As you go through our programme, you learn techniques and skills that become a way of life so that you can sustain a full recovery. Relapse is no longer an issue when you heal at the deep level of root causes; you won’t need drugs or alcohol to feel better anymore. You experience a fundamental shift in the neural pathways of the brain that brings about deep and sustainable transformation. You become empowered, enlivened and free of your addiction—feeling connected to others and the world again. With this fundamental and healing shift, passion, a sense of purpose and meaning return. Employing the practices you learn with us, you can continue a full and sustainable recovery.

Private Alcohol Rehab Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand: We Offer Effective & Personalized Treatment

For many alcohol addiction is difficult to break away from, but not impossible. It is indeed a debilitating and destructive chronic brain disease, but it can be overcome. All you need is the people to help you get through it and the professionals to guide you. You require alcoholism treatment that is not just focused and structured, but customized to your needs and comprehensively altered to meet your changing needs. No two people are alike, no two addictions are the same, and no two addiction treatments should be identical. Fully personalized treatment is absolutely imperative to your healing and recovery.

Clarity is an Alcohol Rehab that provides high quality care for alcohol dependence in beautiful Chiang Mai Thailand. Our fully licensed and accredited international treatment team is connected to the world’s leading experts and institutions in the research and teaching of addiction treatment. Everyone you meet at Clarity – the expert medical team, the specialist counsellors, the caring housekeeping staff, and the welcoming receptionists – are rooting for you.

Our tried and tested interpersonal group therapy model and 3 Stage Integrative DBT programme provides a rich and safe environment in which clients gain valuable insights into their relationships with themselves, other people and the substances or behaviours of their alcoholism addiction.

Our alcohol rehab treatment includes: